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Folder Plans & Strategies

Every great town has great plans in place to keep it great for generations to come, and Yarmouth is no different. Over the years, the Town has put a number of action plans into effect in order to ensure a strong economic and environmental future for the community. You can find the full documents at the bottom of this page.

Our pdf Municipal Planning Strategy (4.50 MB) sets out to ensure a high-quality working and living environment in the community while enhancing the health and vitality of the community by promoting Yarmouth as a regional commercial, education, industrial, and service centre. With it, Town Council aims to participate more directly in the town's growth by creating a framework to accommodate new and future development trends.

The Climate Change Action Plan, meanwhile, has allowed the city to prepare for and adapt to the effects of climate change by making changes to the Municipal Planning Strategy and the town's  pdf Land Use By-Law (14.49 MB) , which take the possibility of storm surges, rising sea levels, and intense rainfall into consideration for future developments.

And then there's the Integrated Community Sustainability Plan – a long-term plan developed with consultation from community members – which states that the economic, social, cultural, and environmental elements of our community are not disconnected from one another, but rather interconnected. This plan sets forth guidelines on how we can work with the public to identify and prioritize various issues of importance to ensure the sustainability of the community for future generations.

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pdf Active Transportation Master Plan 2010 ( pdf, 8.42 MB )
pdf Climate Change Action Plan ( pdf, 3.40 MB )
pdf Climate Change Mitigation Action Plan ( pdf, 323 KB )
pdf Downtown Blueprint ( pdf, 8.96 MB )
pdf Ekistics Active Transportation Proposal ( pdf, 18.04 MB )
pdf Integrated Community Sustainability Plan ( pdf, 235 KB )
pdf Municipal Planning Strategy ( pdf, 4.50 MB )
pdf Planning for Business ( pdf, 1.50 MB )
pdf Planning for Climate Change ( pdf, 1.90 MB )
pdf Planning for Family Retention ( pdf, 1.31 MB )
pdf Planning for Healthy Living ( pdf, 1.65 MB )
pdf Town of Yarmouth Accessibility Action Plan ( pdf, 2.86 MB )
pdf Waterfront Development Action Plan ( pdf, 55.04 MB )