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Living and working on the waves, we understand the importance of the environment for our shared future. Along with the province, Waste Check, and our community, we're doing our part to keep Nova Scotia green and beautiful for everyone. By wasting less and recycling more, Nova Scotia's waste management approach is literally turning trash into treasure – exploitable resources with massive environmental, economic and social benefits.

We believe our waste management approach can help position Nova Scotia among world leaders in environmental stewardship. So don't let Yarmouth go to waste! Here's what you can do.

Waste Collection


As of April 1, 2024, solid-coloured garbage bags will be rejected at the curb and transfer stations. While Waste Check adopted a clear bag program for garbage in 2007, the use of one solid-coloured bag per residence was previously allowed. However, only clear bags with no colour are now accepted in the Town of Yarmouth.

For waste that is sensitive or private in nature, such as sanitary products, one non-transparent privacy bag that is no larger than twenty by twenty-two inches in each clear bag will be accepted.

Leaves NoNo Plastic Bags for Yard Waste

Plastic bags can not be used to put out leaves and yard waste for pickup. You must use your green cart or paper bags. So as your fall cleanup begins, please remember to not use plastic, as we are continually trying to reduce the quantity of plastic arriving at our compost facility.

In Yarmouth, waste is collected curbside on scheduled days. We use a 2 blue bag recycling system – one bag for paper products and one bag for containers (glass, plastic and metal). Cardboard can be bundled for collection. Food and other organic waste is collected in a green bin. Another household waste (garbage) is collected in clear transparent bags. There are special programs in place for pharmaceutical waste, household hazardous waste, and electronics. If you have any questions about any of our waste programs, please contact Waste Check at (902) 742-1312 or visit them at

Businesses are responsible for their own disposal needs and must follow the pdf  Solid Waste Storage, Collection and Disposal By-Law. (221 KB)   Any dwelling with 5 or more units is categorized as commercial. Every apartment building in Yarmouth is required to follow the same waste management rules – with bins (or other appropriate storage) for garbage, recyclables, cardboard and green cart(s) for food waste and organics. In turn, tenants are responsible for sorting waste in their units and putting the material in the proper place for collection.

Solid Waste Park

The Yarmouth County Solid Waste Park at 1932 Hardscratch Road is owned and operated by the Municipality of Yarmouth, Municipality of Argyle and the Town of Yarmouth. The Town of Yarmouth owns and operates the Compost Facility, which provides service to Yarmouth and Digby Counties. Each Municipality and Town disposes of residential garbage, compost and recycling. Everyone, including all residents and businesses, is required by law to sort their waste into three streams. All residual waste is brought to the Transfer Station, while all recycling is brought to Scotia Recycling Ltd. at 273 Forest Street, Yarmouth.

Residential hazardous materials such as corrosive cleaners and solvents, house and garden pesticides and herbicides, etc. should be dropped off at the Solid Waste Park for proper disposal.

The Solid Waste Park also includes a Construction & Demolition (C&D) Site, where waste wood, metals, and asphalt shingles are separated on-site. Any remaining materials from the C&D Site are landfilled. Metals and white goods are baled and sold to Limar Enterprises in New Brunswick. Every year, waste wood at the C&D Site is chipped. For information on Waste Park fees, go to Town Fees.

Resources for Residents and Businesses

Waste Separation

Find out how to separate trash, recyclables, compostable organics, and waste wood, as well as where to take pharmaceutical waste (e.g. needles) and electronics. For more information go to Waste Separation.

Collection Schedule

See when solid household waste will be picked up in your area. For more information go to Collection Schedule.


Learn about the benefits of saving organic waste, and how to get your green cart fixed or replaced. For more information go to Composting.

Household Hazardous Waste

Find out what to do with bleach, propane tanks, motor oil, and other hazardous materials that don't belong in the regular trash. For more information go to Household Hazardous Waste.

Waste Park Fees

Tipping fees at the Yarmouth County Solid Waste Park are charged to run and maintain the park. Learn more at Town Fees.

Recycle Coach App

Looking for an easier way to manage your household waste? Download the free Waste Check Recycle Coach smartphone app from your favourite App Store. Get answers to all your waste/recycling questions instantly, including:

  • A detailed pick-up schedule customized to your area with optional reminders to ensure you never lose track again
  • Easy “What Goes Where?” search gives proper recycling/disposal information (no more guessing!)
  • Keep important local contacts at your fingertips
  • Find information on your local waste-handling facilities
  • Get details on special dates and events in advance