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parks trees

To help make our planet a little greener, the Town of Yarmouth is doing its part to balance commercial space, residential space, and green space – starting with incorporating green space into residential and commercial space.

The Parks, Grounds, and Trees division of the Operational Services Department is responsible for the mowing and trimming of our parks, open spaces, and green areas within the town boundaries. They also prune, weed, plant, and maintain the trees, shrubs, and plant beds in the parks, playgrounds, within road right-of-ways, and on the waterfront for all town-owned properties.

It’s also important that everyone do their part to clean and maintain all three types of spaces. During the summer months, our team has a little extra help with the Green Team – two or three students are hired to pick up the litter and help keep the sidewalks and public areas owned by the town clean. If you'd like to give your neighbourhood some love, you can take part in our Adopt-a-Block program.