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About Housing Accelerator Fund (HAF) 

Overview of HAF Program

In spring 2023, the Government of Canada launched the Housing Accelerator Fund to support local governments in creating transformational changes to boost housing supply.

The Town of Yarmouth has received $2.3 million to implement its Housing Accelerator Fund (HAF) Action Plan. With this investment, the Town aims to achieve a Housing Supply Growth Target of 119 net new residential units over the next three years.

To ensure the success of this ambitious goal, the Town has developed a comprehensive HAF Housing Action Plan, featuring five strategic initiatives designed to drive housing development.More details 2

  • Initiative 1:  Create a Surplus Lands Program for Affordable Housing
  • Initiative 2:  Develop a Parking Management Strategy
  • Initiative 3:  Regulatory Changes to Support Housing
  • Initiative 4:  Create a Priority Approvals Stream for Housing Projects
  • Initiative 5:  Development Incentives Program

More information can be found on each initiative below.

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