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The Town of Yarmouth welcomes inquiries for film production. Our recently released Film Guide was created to assist location consultants in selecting the perfect location for their production. Our authentic main street, heritage homes and camera-friendly vistas beckon filmmakers from around the globe. The Town of Yarmouth welcomes inquiries for film production. Our recently released Film Guide was created to assist location consultants in selecting the perfect location for their production. Our authentic main street, heritage homes and camera-friendly vistas beckon filmmakers from around the globe.

Download our film Guide: pdf Town of Yarmouth Filming Guide 2019 (3.32 MB)

Current Filming Projects

There are no filming projects happening in the Town of Yarmouth at this time. Questions about filming in the Town of Yarmouth can be directed to the Town of Yarmouth Economic Development Office at 902-742-1505 or

Would you like to list your property as a potential filming location?

Have you always wanted to learn more about the film industry, even getting the chance to see how a film is made? Now is your chance! With Screen Nova Scotia’s Starring Your Property program, you can include your home or business as a potential filming location in anything from films, television series, music videos, and commercials.

Screen Nova Scotia is looking for a wide array of residential and commercial properties that might attract a producer’s attention – from warehouses to condos, newly built homes to rustic farmhouses – all properties are valuable in attracting productions to the province. When you list through our program, we will include your property in our database of fantastic filming locations available throughout Nova Scotia. Depending on the production, your location may be selected for filming, but the first step is submitting your information with the guidelines below – and it’s free and easy to do!

Film production in Nova Scotia communities creates and generates revenues for the local economy, and filming locations – such as your home or business – is just the start of the services required by a film production (others include everything from dry cleaning, catering, building supplies, accommodations and more). For example, over five seasons the TV series Haven contributed more than $50 million directly to the Nova Scotia economy and established the South Shore as a premier filming (and tourism) destination.

If you are interested in having your property/home listed on the Screen Nova Scotia digital locations library, please visit Screen Nova Scotia Starring Your Property website for more information guidelines, fees and how to register. You can also contact Melanie Solomon, Industry Services & Locations Manager: / (902) 229-1499.