Accessibility Tools

“There are two very rewarding parts to belonging to an advisory committee. On a personal level, you learn so much about the town and its workings and, secondly, you have a voice and potentially make a positive impact on your community." – Sonia Ryan, Police Advisory Board citizen appointee

The Council appoints citizens to a variety of Citizen Advisory Committees and Municipal Corporations and Boards. This is an amazing opportunity for you to bring your skills and experience to the table, and make a real difference in the lives of your fellow Yarmouthians!

In order to apply for a committee or board, you need to complete an application form identifying the Committee or Board you want to be appointed to, as well as relevant background information to assist Council in understanding the strengths you would bring to the table. Council normally gives preference to residents and/or taxpayers of the Town of Yarmouth when making appointments. To ensure as many opportunities as possible for people to get involved, Council will normally only appoint a citizen to one committee or board. Open positions will be posted on News & Notices.

Town Council has an appointed nominating committee, which assesses advisory committee applications on the basis of diverse representation of the community, expertise/interest in an issue or topic area, and in regard to each advisory committee's terms of reference. From there, the committee presents Council with a list of qualified candidates for each committee.

Our Policies

Please find below our Citizen Appointment Process Policy and Citizen Advisory Process Policy


Apply for a Committee

Police Advisory Board

The Police Advisory Board provides advice to the Council in relation to the enforcement of law, the maintenance of law and order, and the prevention of crime in the municipality. Its role is to:

  • Determine, in consultation with the Chief Officer or the Chief Officer's designate, priorities, objectives and goals respecting police services in the community.
  •  Ensure the Chief Officer establishes programs and strategies to implement the priorities, objectives and goals respecting police services.
  • Ensure that community needs and values are reflected in policing priorities, objectives, goals, programs and strategies.
  • Ensure that police services are delivered in a manner consistent with community values, needs and expectations.
  • Act as a conduit between the community and the Yarmouth Town RCMP.
  • Recommend policies, administrative and organizational direction for the effective management of the Yarmouth Town RCMP.
  • Review with the Chief Officer or the Chief Officer's designate information provided by the Chief Officer respecting complaints and internal discipline.

You can download the application PDF below. Application forms are available at the Town Office, 400 Main Street, Yarmouth, N. S. B5A 1G2. Completed applications can be mailed to the address above or emailed to

pdf Application Form for Citizen Appointments to Committees (815 KB)

Accessibility Advisory Board

Formed in 2021 in response to the passing of Nova Scotia's Accessibility Act, the committee is made up of members of the community who offer broad knowledge and firsthand experience on the subject of accessibility.

Some of the committee's key roles include:

  • Guiding the development and implementation of a comprehensive Accessibility Plan.
  • Working with town staff to identify accessibility barriers the public face as they try to access Town of Yarmouth Goods and Services, Information and Communications, Employment, the Built Environment, and Transportation.
  • Advising council on accessibility issues in the Town of Yarmouth.

You can download the application PDF below. Application forms are available at the Town Office, 400 Main Street, Yarmouth, N. S. B5A 1G2. Completed applications can be mailed to the address above or emailed to

pdf Application Form for Citizen Appointments to Committees (815 KB)