Accessibility Tools

As we work together to make Yarmouth a better place, we believe that everyone’s voice matters. That's why anyone may address Council or a committee during a public hearing, public participation meeting, or on the second reading of a by-law.

Want to address the Town Council or a committee with an idea or issue? Here’s what you need to know about making presentations to Council and committees:

How to Register

  • You can contact the committee recording secretary to request your inclusion on a future agenda. (For committee contacts, check out Committees. For the Town Council contact, scroll to the bottom of this page.)
  • Please register by two weeks prior to the meeting in which you wish to speak.
  • Your request should indicate the issue that you wish to address.
  • The chairperson will determine if and when your presentation will be scheduled.

Making Your Presentation

  • Presentations are normally limited to up to 10 minutes.
  • Since these are public meetings, your presentation may be recorded and made available for Eastlink TV broadcast and our website.
  • Written copies of the presentation are not required; however, they are greatly appreciated!
  • You may be asked questions following your presentation.
  • There should be one spokesperson if the presentation is on behalf of an organization.
  • Some audio/visual equipment is available, but you’ll need to make arrangements in advance if you want to set up any presentation equipment.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I submit a petition?

Yes, but please know that petitions submitted at a public meeting are considered to form part of the public record. Please ensure that everyone who has signed it understands that their personal information will be available to the public.

How should I address the Council or committee?

Your comments must be directed toward the meeting chair. Members of council or committee may, through the chair, make a response or question where appropriate. No more than one person may speak at one time and proper language, speech, and decorum must be maintained at all times. The chair may direct that any person in violation of proper decorum be expelled from the meeting. For more information about conduct, check out our Council's Code of Conduct.

What happens after I speak?

After you've spoken and answered any questions, please return to your seat to allow members to debate the issue. Council will not make decisions related to a presentation at the same meeting unless the matter is otherwise on the Council agenda. (This provision does not apply to Advisory Committees' meetings.) You're not required to remain for the entire meeting, so you may leave after your issue has been addressed by council.

Where can I get a copy of the meeting agenda?

You can find copies of the council and committee agendas Agendas, Minutes & Livestream – just search by committee and date!

We also encourage you to submit your ideas in writing concerning any item of policy being considered by Council. All correspondence that is addressed to the "Mayor and Council" will be circulated to Council and will be placed on a future agenda for consideration.

To register for a Council presentation, contact:

Municipal Clerk / Executive Assistant
Town of Yarmouth
400 Main Street
Yarmouth, NS B5A 1G2
Map of this location

Phone: (902) 742-8565
Fax: (902) 742-6244