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Q: Will I get paid?

Volunteer stock imageYou will receive an annual honorarium of approximately $3000 depending on the number of calls you attend. However, the experience and training you will receive are free and can help launch a career as a paid first responder or medical professional. In addition, we offer free gym memberships.

Q: Do I need the experience to join?

Not at all! We provide free training and allow you to develop your skills using state-of-the-art equipment. Soon you’ll be able to determine the right tools and techniques to fight a fire and have the skills to help keep yourself safe at the same time. If you have prior experience or training, you can advance through the qualification process more quickly.

Q: How much time do I have to devote as a volunteer?

Firefighters can expect weekly training sessions for the first year while attaining their level 1 firefighter certification as well as bi-weekly training with the rest of the team. Call volumes vary from week to week and month to month. We are on call 24/7, 365.

Q: How old do I have to be?

Firefighters must be at least 19 years old, 17 with parental consent.

Q: Will equipment be provided to me?

All of the equipment you will use during training and while on the job will be provided to you free of charge.

Q: Do I have to fight fires?

Yes, we need front-line firefighters to enter buildings, fight fires, work at motor vehicle collisions and protect the property and lives of the citizens of our community. We need volunteers to direct traffic at accident scenes, help with fire safety education, and more. If you have a skill or specialty, our department can find a way to use it.

Q. What’s the best way for me to learn more?

Fill out a brief inquiry form on this website and click the firefighter volunteer box. Your name and address will be sent to the fire chief. A station representative will then call you directly to discuss a volunteer position.