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The Town of Yarmouth routinely commissions reports to inform our decision-making processes. These reports, once tabled at a Council meeting, are public documents. For your convenience, we make these reports available through our website. Due to size restrictions, we may sometimes post executive summaries only. In such cases, full reports can be obtained by contacting For longer reports, there may be a minimal charge for reproducing the reports.

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pdf 5 Collins Street Environmental and Geotechnical Reports ( pdf, 8.46 MB )
pdf Active Transportation Master Plan 2010 ( pdf, 8.42 MB )
pdf Broad Brook Floodplain Study 1977 ( pdf, 2.19 MB )
pdf Colliers Report Th'YARC ( pdf, 116 KB )
pdf Collins Heritage Conservation District By-law ( pdf, 621 KB )
pdf Collins Heritage Conservation District Plan ( pdf, 128 KB )
pdf Community Economic Development Plan for Yarmouth County Charting a Course for Tomorrow ( pdf, 3.53 MB )
pdf Draft Port Master Plan ( pdf, 5.02 MB )
pdf Economic Development Council South West Nova Five Year Strategic Economic Development Plan ( pdf, 4.90 MB )
pdf Facade Incentive Program Final Report ( pdf, 4.48 MB )
pdf Guide for New Municipal Councillors 2016 ( pdf, 278 KB )
pdf Jacques Whitford re Building Condition Assessment Yarmouth Fire Hall Final Report ( pdf, 13.52 MB )
pdf Mariners Centre Needs Assessment Final Report August 2015 (1) ( pdf, 308 KB )
pdf Mariners Centre Feasibility Study 2017 ( pdf, 1.50 MB )
pdf Mariners Centre Partnership Agreement Final Report ( pdf, 177 KB )
pdf Mariners Centre Planning Context Report ( pdf, 929 KB )
pdf Optimum Talent Organizational Review Report ( pdf, 507 KB )
pdf Physical Activity Strategic Plan ( pdf, 1.21 MB )
pdf Report on Killam Building ( pdf, 1.31 MB )
pdf Stormwater Management - Drainage Areas ( pdf, 8.04 MB )
pdf Stormwater Management - Watershed Areas - Broad Brook ( pdf, 4.32 MB )
pdf Stormwater Management - Watershed Areas - Gardner, Herbert, Marsha Areas ( pdf, 4.31 MB )
pdf Stormwater Management - Watershed Areas - Havelock Subdivision ( pdf, 4.56 MB )
pdf Stormwater Management - Watershed Areas - Milo and Vaughne Estate Areas ( pdf, 5.11 MB )
pdf Stormwater Management - Watershed Areas - Parade St, east of Broad Brook ( pdf, 3.70 MB )
pdf Stormwater Management Plan ( pdf, 52.15 MB )
pdf Strategic Plan Waterfront 2004 ( pdf, 64 KB )
pdf Strategic Priorities Report 2017 ( pdf, 2.63 MB )
pdf Town of Yarmouth Place Branding and Wayfinding Program ( pdf, 5.79 MB )
pdf Waterfront Action Plan Final Report ( pdf, 12.09 MB )
pdf Yarmouth Area Transportation Study ( pdf, 48.28 MB )
pdf Yarmouth Downtown and Waterfront Redevelopment and Revitalization Plan 1980 ( pdf, 5.68 MB )
pdf Yarmouth Downtown Blueprint Final ( pdf, 8.96 MB )
pdf Yarmouth Revitalization 1980 ( pdf, 26.18 MB )
pdf Yarmouth Sewer Rate Study Final Report November 2012 ( pdf, 473 KB )
pdf YASTA Plan ( pdf, 2.79 MB )