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Folder Bylaws

On this page, you’ll find the bylaws passed by Yarmouth Town Council. You can learn about how our bylaws are enforced here.

Please note that these are electronic reproductions made available for information purposes only, and have no legal status. The format may be different and plans, pictures, other graphics, or text may be altered. Where applicable, we’ve consolidated amended bylaws with the original bylaw for convenience and reference.

To verify the accuracy and currency of this information, or to obtain certified copies of the official version of a bylaw, contact our Municipal Clerk:

Municipal Clerk
400 Main Street
Yarmouth, Nova Scotia
B5A 1G2

Phone: (902) 742-8565
Fax: (902) 742-6244

Toggle Title
pdf Boundaries Bylaw ( pdf, 78 KB )
pdf Building Code Bylaw ( pdf, 160 KB )
pdf Central District Improvement Plan Bylaw ( pdf, 170 KB )
pdf Circus Animal Prohibition Bylaw ( pdf, 104 KB )
pdf Civic Addressing Bylaw ( pdf, 188 KB )
pdf Collins Heritage Conservation District By Law ( pdf, 621 KB )
pdf Council Meetings Bylaw ( pdf, 172 KB )
pdf Deed Transfer Tax Bylaw ( pdf, 116 KB )
pdf Destruction of Documents Bylaw ( pdf, 114 KB )
pdf Dog By Law ( pdf, 3.35 MB )
pdf Feeding Wild Animals Bylaw ( pdf, 116 KB )
pdf Fire Department Bylaw ( pdf, 143 KB )
pdf Fire Prevention Bylaw ( pdf, 122 KB )
pdf Heritage Property Bylaw ( pdf, 143 KB )
pdf Idling Control Bylaw ( pdf, 85 KB )
pdf Interpretation Bylaw ( pdf, 73 KB )
pdf Land Use Bylaw ( pdf, 14.49 MB )
pdf Livestock Bylaw ( pdf, 116 KB )
pdf Local Improvements Bylaw ( pdf, 104 KB )
pdf Marketing Levy Bylaw ( pdf, 178 KB )
pdf Micromobility Bylaw ( pdf, 133 KB )
pdf Minimum Housing Standards Bylaw ( pdf, 222 KB )
pdf Municipal Elections By Law ( pdf, 309 KB )
pdf Noise Bylaw ( pdf, 149 KB )
pdf On Site Servicing By Law ( pdf, 273 KB )
pdf Open Air Burning Bylaw ( pdf, 190 KB )
pdf Parking Violations Bylaw ( pdf, 178 KB )
pdf Peace and Order Bylaw ( pdf, 37 KB )
pdf Penalty By Law ( pdf, 42 KB )
pdf Police Advisory Board Bylaw ( pdf, 149 KB )
pdf Public Places Bylaw ( pdf, 158 KB )
pdf Regional Emergency Management (REMO) Bylaw ( pdf, 151 KB )
pdf Regulating Vacant and Abandoned Buildings Bylaw ( pdf, 204 KB )
pdf Repeal By Law ( pdf, 24 KB )
pdf Road Trails Act Bylaw ( pdf, 159 KB )
pdf Sewer Charges By Law ( pdf, 74 KB )
pdf Sewer Connection Bylaw ( pdf, 86 KB )
pdf Sewer Discharge Bylaw ( pdf, 148 KB )
pdf Smoking Bylaw ( pdf, 122 KB )
pdf Solid Waste Resource Bylaw ( pdf, 221 KB )
pdf Streets & Sidewalks Bylaw ( pdf, 174 KB )
pdf Subdivision By Law ( pdf, 4.12 MB )
pdf Swimming Pool Bylaw ( pdf, 133 KB )
pdf Taxi Bylaw ( pdf, 506 KB )
pdf Tenant Assistance Services Nov 23, 2023 ( pdf, 314 KB )
pdf Tooker Street Closure By Law ( pdf, 23 KB )
pdf Town Flag Bylaw ( pdf, 9 KB )
pdf Town Seal Bylaw ( pdf, 73 KB )
pdf Truck Route Bylaw ( pdf, 985 KB )
pdf Truck route daytime 11x17 February 25 2021 ( pdf, 1.24 MB )
pdf Truck route nighttime 11x17 February 25 2021 ( pdf, 1.24 MB )
pdf Vending Bylaw ( pdf, 6.55 MB )
pdf Water Supply Upgrade Program Bylaw ( pdf, 133 KB )