Folder Annual Budget
The Town of Yarmouth's fiscal year runs from April 1 to March 31 of the following calendar year. Accordingly, the Council sets an operating and capital budget for each fiscal period, including all tax rates. Updates on the Town of Yarmouth's financial position are provided to Council on a quarterly basis.
As your municipal government, the Town of Yarmouth is charged with responsibly managing and investing the tax dollars you pay to meet the needs of the community and ensure all of our strategic priorities are addressed.
We're committed to striking a healthy balance between offering valued services and programs to residents, making strategic investments in community priorities, and keeping property taxes at a reasonable rate.
Each year, town council approves an annual budget, made up of three parts:
- Operating budget. Funded primarily through property taxes and user fees; used to operate town facilities and provide municipal services and programs to residents.
- Capital budget. Funded through property taxes, town enterprises, development charges, debt and grants; used to either build or rehabilitate assets that will last for more than one year.
- Reserve funds. To be used for such purposes as tax stabilization, equipment purchases and sick-leave costs.
The annual budget covers all of the town's operational areas, including fire service, culture, planning, and economic development, to name only a few.
Below are PDF summaries of past and current budgets. Files listed as "Budget" are operating, files listed as "Capital" are capital.