This is to serve notice that the Council of the Town of Yarmouth, at its meeting on November 17, 2022, at 6:30 pm, approved the following...
1. Land Use Bylaw Amendments - Boarding or Rooming Houses
The Town received an application for a Land Use Bylaw (LUB) amendment to allow for Boarding or Rooming Houses in the Downtown Commercial (C-1) zone.
How will this affect me?
The approved amendments will enable all property owners with dwelling units in any zone to rent more than three rooms as per the definition of Boarding or Rooming Houses.
2. Development Agreement, Land Use Bylaw Amendments, and Rezoning - Shaw Avenue
The Town received an application for a Development Agreement and Land Use Bylaw (LUB) amendments from the Affordable Housing Association of Nova Scotia (AHANS) to construct a 24-unit affordable housing complex on vacant Town owned land on Shaw Avenue (PID: 90312471). The LUB amendments will remove minimum on-site parking requirements for developments proceeding by Development Agreement. The decision is to rezone from General Commercial Main Street (C-2M) to High Density Residential (R-3).
How will this affect me?
The proposed development will occur on Shaw Avenue and provide needed affordable housing for the Town of Yarmouth.
How do I get more information?
For more information, visit or contact the Planning Department at or 902-742-1505.
Dated November 30th, 2022