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Three online public hearings will be held on Thursday, May 13th, 2021 at 7:30 pm. 

Verbal submissions will be received at the time of the Public Hearings by registering to call in. Speakers are required to register no later than 4:30 pm on Wednesday, May 12th by emailing or calling 902-742-8565. Written submissions will also be accepted. Due to the possibility of technical issues, written submissions are preferred.

Take notice that the Council of the Town of Yarmouth will hold public hearings regarding the following matters:

1. Proposal to Rezone 61 Waverly Street

What is this proposal about?
An applicant has submitted a Rezoning application to the Planning department to rezone the subject property of 61 Waverly Street from its current zoning of Commercial-Industrial (CI-4) to Medium Density Residential (R-2). Rezoning to a Medium Density Residential (R-2) Zone will permit a maximum of up to six (6) residential dwelling units on the subject property.

How will this affect me?
If approved the proposal will convert a vacant lot of commercial-industrial space and permit the placement of up to six (6) residential dwelling units on the property.

How do I get more information?
More information on the proposal to rezone 61 Waverly Street can be found in the Planners Report. To view this report, visit: or email with your specific questions.

2. Town Council Meeting Time

This hearing will address a change to the meeting time of monthly regular Town Council meetings. It has been recommended to change the current meeting time of 7:30 pm to 6:30 pm.

3. Repeal of the Pension Bylaw

This hearing will address the repeal of the current Pension Plan Bylaw as recommended by the Director of Finance. The Bylaw was required when the Town was the plan sponsor of a defined benefit plan for its employees. Earlier this year, the Town completed the transfer of its pension plan to the Public Service Superannuation Plan (PSSP). Where the Town is no longer a sponsor of a penison plan, the bylaw is no longer needed.