This is to serve notice that the Council of the Town of Yarmouth, at its meeting on Thursday, March 21st, 2024, at 6:30 pm, at town hall, 400 Main Street, will consider and if deemed advisable, approve the second readings for the following two (2) bylaws.
Written submissions with any questions, concerns or comments will be considered at the time of the readings. They may be delivered to town hall, or by emailing:
Taxi Bylaw
Council will consider amending the Taxi Bylaw to allow the following:
1. Increase the taxi rates by $1.00 (includes HST) to:
a) 06:00am to midnight to $10.00 (HST incl.)
b) Midnight to 06:00am to $11.00 (HST incl.)
2. Remove the fare rate charges for additional passengers.
3. Add a $5.00 out-of-town charge for package delivery plus the regular fare rate.
4. Increase the fee for Waiting Instructions of a customer AFTER the first 5 minutes to $60.00 per one hour or $1.00 per minute plus the regular fare rate.
5. Add definitions for a ‘fare’ and a ‘stop’ to section 1. Definition of the Taxi Bylaw.
Solid Waste Resource Bylaw
Beginning April 1st, 2024, solid colour bags (black non-transparent) will no longer be accepted at curbside. Only clear bags will be accepted for garbage. With this reading, Council will consider an amendment to the Solid Waste Resource Bylaw to allow one small, non-transparent bag within a clear garbage bag for privacy purposes.
Copies of bylaws can be obtained at or at town hall, 400 Main Street.