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Two Public Hearings will be held on Thursday, September 8th, 2022 at 6:30 pm in council chambers, 400 Main Street.

The public is welcome to speak at the hearings, or hand in written submissions with any questions, concerns or comments about the matters below. Written submissions must be received no later than 5:00 pm on Tuesday, September 6th. Please email your submission to:

What are the hearings about?

The hearings will address two items:

1. The Town has received an application for a Land Use Bylaw amendment to allow accessory buildings in the front yard of residential zones. The proposed amendments will allow accessory buildings in the front yard of residential zones under specific circumstances.

2. The Town has received a rezoning request for 1 Cosman Lane to permit a third unit. This property is currently zoned low density residential (R-1), which only allows up to two units on a single lot. To allow a third unit, it would need to be rezoned to medium density residential (R-2).

For more information on both of these applications, please visit: