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This is to serve notice that the Council of the Town of Yarmouth, at its meeting on Thursday, March 21st, 2024, at 6:30 pm, at town hall, 400 Main Street, approved the following bylaw amendments...

Taxi Bylaw

Council approved amendments to the Taxi Bylaw to allow the following:

1. Increase the taxi rates by $1.00 (includes HST) to:
a) 06:00am to midnight to $10.00 (HST incl.) b) Midnight to 06:00am to $11.00 (HST incl.)
2. Remove the fare rate charges for additional passengers.
3. Add a $5.00 out-of-town charge for package delivery plus the regular fare rate.
4. Increase the fee for Waiting Instructions of a customer AFTER the first 5 minutes to $60.00 per one hour or $1.00 per minute plus the regular fare rate.
5. Add definitions for a ‘fare’ and a ‘stop’ to section 1. Definition of the Taxi Bylaw.

Solid Waste Resource Bylaw

As of April 1st, 2024, solid colour bags (black/green non-transparent) are no longer accepted at curbside. Only clear bags will be accepted for garbage. Council approved an amendment to the Solid Waste Resource Bylaw to allow one non-transparent bag within a clear garbage bag for privacy purposes.

The amendments for both of the above-mentioned bylaws become effective on the date of this publication.

Dated April 3, 2024.

Copies of bylaws can be obtained at or at town hall, 400 Main Street.