This is to serve notice that the Council of the Town of Yarmouth, at its meeting on October 13th, 2022, at 6:30 pm, approved the following...
Building Code Bylaw Amendment
This approval allows for minor housekeeping changes to the Building Code Bylaw, Section 2.20. As part of Staff's annual review of Town Policies and Bylaws, the Building Official reviewed the bylaw. No significant changes were required, with exception to a missing Building Inspection activity in Section 2.20 for "Final Inspection and/or Occupancy Issued".
Sale of Property on Shaw Avenue (PID: 90312471)
This approval allows the town to enter a purchase and sale agreement for $1.00 with the Affordable Housing Association of Nova Scotia for vacant property located on Shaw Avenue (PID: 90312471).
Dated October 26th, 2022