This is to serve notice that the rezoning proposal of the subject property of 61 Waverly Street (PIO #90217985) from a Commercial Industrial (Cl-4) Zone to a Medium Density Residential (R-2) Zone sent to the Director of Municipal Affairs has been approved.
The rezoning of the subject property of 61 Waverly Street (PIO #90217985) is now effective as of today's date.
What is this rezoning proposal about?
An application has been submitted to rezone 61 Waverly Street from a Commercial-Industrial (Cl-4) to a Medium Density Residential (R-2) Zone. The purpose of this rezoning proposal is to allow the applicant to develop a single-family dwelling on the property. Rezoning the subject property required an amendment to the Municipal Planning Strategy, in which approval from the Director of Municipal Affairs was needed, as well as an amendment to the Land Use By-law's Zoning Map.
How will this affect me?
The recently approved rezoning of the subject property at 61 Waverly Street permits the use of up to six (6) residential dwelling units on the property. This use is permitted as of right within the Medium Density Residential (R-2) Zone, as specified in the Town's Land Use By-law.