Council Notices

Notice of Public Hearings
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- Category: Council Notices
Three Public Hearings will be held on Thursday, January 14th, 2021 at 7pm in Town Council Chambers, 400 Main Street.

Notice(s) of Approval
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- Category: Council Notices
This is to serve notice that the Council of the Town of Yarmouth, at its meeting on Thursday, December 10th, 2020, at 7:30 pm, approved amendments to the following bylaws.

Notice of Second Reading - Council Meetings Bylaw
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- Category: Council Notices
This is to serve notice that the Council of the Town of Yarmouth, at its meeting on Thursday, December 10th, 2020, at 7:30 pm, will consider and if deemed advisable approve the Second Reading to amend its Council Meetings Bylaw.
The amendment allows Councillors to participate in Council meetings by phone, video, or any means of communication where all persons participating in the meeting are able to communicate with one another.

Notice of Approval
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- Category: Council Notices
Please be advised of the following bylaw and bylaw amendment approvals.

Notice of Approval
- Details
- Category: Council Notices
Take notice that the Council of the Town of Yarmouth did, at their meeting on Thursday, July 9th, 2020, approve the following proposal:

Bylaw Notice: Notice of Second Readings
- Details
- Category: Council Notices
This is to serve notice that the Council of the Town of Yarmouth, at its meeting on November 12th, 2020, at 7:30 pm, will consider and if deemed advisable, approve the Second Reading to amend the following bylaw...