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 "It is with a heavy heart that the difficult decision to put the 100 Meals Program on hold has been made. With the second wave of Covid upon us, the focus must be fully on health and safety".

Dear Citizens of Yarmouth,

It is with a heavy heart that the difficult decision to put the 100 Meals Program on hold has been made. With the second wave of Covid upon us, the focus must be fully on health and safety. I would rather skip a few meals now so we’re all here to enjoy many more later!

Three years ago the program started in response to community needs. My thought was, if one hot meal a day were provided, a household could put the money that would have been spent on the meal towards something else including heat, power, medication or more food in the cupboards.

The second reason for the program was the social aspect. The 100 Meal Program has encouraged our entire community to come together over a hot meal, make new friends, laugh, and enjoy social time.

The program has been a huge success on both counts – thanks to all who volunteered, donated and came out to enjoy the meals! We will start again when we are able to! In the meantime, I am making a plea to our community and hope we can continue to help each other in the spirit of what the 100 Meals was doing:

First, please reach out to a neighbour, family member, friend or even a stranger. This season is difficult for so many. My gravest concern and the part that breaks my heart most is the loss of human interaction. We need to know someone is there for us. While we can’t gather together, we can call someone to chat, to check up on them, to just say “hello, I’m your ray of sunshine today!” Ask how someone is. Tell stories. Laugh. Please don’t underestimate the power of reaching out. The darkest and coldest days of winter take a toll on our mental health and a phone call and a kind word go a long, long way.

Second, there are a number of ways to ensure tummies are full this season. Please give to the food bank if you are able and reach out to them if you are in need. We are in difficult times and each of us needs support in one way or another, whether it’s food or a kind word.

Some good news… I spoke with Brenda Hattie who, together with a team of volunteers, has provided the Christmas Dinner at the Lion’s Club for 24 years straight and they will be doing this again this year! It will look different but how wonderful that they are able to do this! It will be takeout and delivery only so keep your eye out for more details. Who doesn’t love a hot turkey dinner! Mmmmmm… Thanks Brenda!

Deputy Mayor Steve Berry is also working on a way to get Christmas meal parcels to those in need and as soon as he has more information we will let you know. Thanks Deputy! You might also want to reach out to Councillor Lesser who has been gathering food and other items for those in need! What can we do for YOU? Please ask  - this community responds quickly and generously.

There are a quite a number of organizations that can help with your needs as well. It’s just a matter of reaching out. It’s what family is for, and in this Town, we are family.

Look for updates here on my page. We will all miss sitting around the table together, but at least when this is over, we will all still be here if we stay safe.

Much love and respect to each of you. You make Yarmouth the best place on earth. Stay safe and find the joy in the little things! And know your Mayor is praying for you and for our community.


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