New benches send a message of hope and set the tone for a summer of yellow.
Every spring, the Town of Yarmouth benefits from the hard work of Communities in Bloom and dozens of gardening volunteers. They dedicate time to make the town pop with colorful blooms. From Sealed Landers Park to Frost Park, down to the Lost to the Sea Memorial, and beyond, and throughout the town, spring blooms treat us with an abundance of colours.
This year's colour is YELLOW. Anyone who ventured out for fresh air on this beautiful day may have noticed some new seating in a few park spaces. Several locations in town are now home to beautiful new benches compliments of CIB Yarmouth. The benches were built by the skilled craftspeople at Kaye Nickerson Centre and not only sport a bright yellow, but also an important message: "Hope Is Growing". But why yellow?
(CiB-Cef) and its partners, including the Canadian Nursery Landscape Association and Garden Centres Canada, are working together to summon everyone to create Hope Gardens for 2021. Across Canada and beyond, the goal is to see the land awash with gardens featuring yellow, the international colour of hope. Whether it’s flowers, fruits, shrubs or vegetables – just plant the seeds! From parks to playgrounds, front yards, back yards, balconies, baskets, boulevards, barrels and planters, wherever there’s an empty space to grow, there is room for a plant.
Throughout 2021, anyone and everyone, including municipalities, organizations, schools, churches, colleges and universities, clubs, businesses, and individuals can participate by planting a Hope Garden. Share photos of your gardens on CiB’s social media platforms with the hashtag #hopeisgrowing. Once you’ve entered your Hope Garden, you will become eligible for national and global recognition for your efforts! You will also receive a downloadable Hope Garden sign and information about hardy plants and growing tips for success.
CIB Yarmouth has made their contribution to the effort with these amazing new benches and are now challenging everyone to be creative and add some yellow of their own to promote the message of Hope this summer.
“We’d really love to have people send us photos of any yellow flowers/bushes from their gardens throughout the summer so we can share as part of this Hope campaign,” said CIB President and Town Councillor Heather Hatfield. “People can then send them to me directly, post on the Yarmouth Communities in Bloom Facebook page or go to where they can register their garden and send pictures. We can then put together something for the national competition.”