As 2024 begins, the Town of Yarmouth is pleased to announce a program extension to allow for the creation of 50 new banners.
Town of Yarmouth Extends Memorial Banner Program
Monday, January 15, 2024 - Yarmouth, N.S. – In the fall of 2021, the Town of Yarmouth introduced a program to commemorate local veterans through the Memorial Banner Program. The program has been well-received since that time, resulting in the creation of 80 total banners that have been proudly displayed in downtown Yarmouth. As 2024 begins, the Town of Yarmouth is pleased to announce a program extension to allow for the creation of 50 new banners. For those interested in applying, please note the following important information:
- 50 banners are available for purchase, open to veterans who served in our Canadian Armed Forces.
- This round of banners is for veterans who have not yet been honoured with a banner under this program.
- The cost for each banner is $175.00 tax and shipping included.
- The new banners will be placed on Main Street.
- Banner size is 24” x 36”, double-sided. More than one veteran can be placed on an individual banner.
- The 50 spots will be chosen through a draw/lottery. Anyone wishing to be entered into the draw for a banner can visit Yarmouth Town Hall, 400 Main Street. The deadline to enter is 4:30 pm on Wednesday, January 31st. You must provide the veteran’s name, along with your contact information.
- A draw will take place on Thursday, February 1st. Once the draw is completed, winners will be notified as soon as possible.
- The veteran’s name and service details will be displayed on the banner, along with the sponsor’s name.
- Banners will be put up on October 11th and removed on November 12th.
- Town of Yarmouth Parks Department will store the banners and put up them up for Remembrance Day for 3 years. After the 3 years the banners are given to the participants.
- This program is open to residents of the Town of Yarmouth and the Municipality of the District of Yarmouth.
In addition to Yarmouth, the Memorial Banner Program has been a true success in dozens of communities. It honours our veterans across Canada on full colour, heavy duty banner material to be displayed in communities around Remembrance Day.
For more information on the Memorial Banner Program, including photos and testimonials from other communities, visit