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The Town of Yarmouth requires the services of a qualified contractor, that deploys and operates their own hydraulic vacuum dredging, along with a high solids, high volume dewatering system, to remove and dewater alum sludge from 2 holding lagoons. The project will require 24-hour/day continuous operation until completion. The contractor will need to provide experienced personnel trained in the proper operation of alum sludge removal and dewatering equipment. It is expected to take about 5 days at 24 hours per day continuous operation, for de-watering of approximately 5000m³ (+- 15%) varying in 2-8 percent solids alum sludge. The surface area of each lagoon is approximately 1024 m². The sludge will be dewatered to a minimum of 20% solids and must be suitably ready for complete removal from the work site as it is produced. The Town of Yarmouth will arrange for containment and removal of the dewatered sludge as it is produced.

pdf 2025 Town of Yarmouth Water Utility Alum Sludge Dewatering Tender (1.06 MB)