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Don’t Feed the Wild Animals! An important reminder as the town works on solutions to the deer population.

If you live or work in the Town of Yarmouth, it’s no secret the deer population has grown in recent years.

DeerAnd not just by a small margin. In some cases, people are reporting seeing up to 15 deer in their yard at one time. While beautiful, they are becoming more and more of an issue. We are not alone, as many other towns across the province are experiencing the same problem.

One of those towns is Truro. To tackle the issue, Truro developed a deer management strategy. A key ingredient was the formation of a working group consisting of council members, town staff, community stakeholders and experts. The group has been successful in helping define the problem and build strategy to address it.

At a recent Yarmouth town council meeting, a motion was passed to follow Truro’s model and begin by forming the same type of working group. This is an important first step toward finding a long-term solution to the town’s deer population problem.

Solutions will take time to develop. Until then, we can begin to address the problem by taking some actions of our own. In particular, avoiding the deliberate feeding of deer. Feeding wild animals in the Town of Yarmouth is not allowed under bylaw TOY 71 – pdf Feeding Wild Animals Bylaw (116 KB) .

Putting out food not only attracts other unwanted animals such as raccoons and rats, it makes our deer problem worse. It can cause them to gather unnaturally into groups of high densities which can:

  • attract predators and increase risk of death by coyotes or domestic dogs.
  • spread disease among deer and introduce lyme-disease carrying ticks to properties.
  • cause aggression, wasting vital energy reserves and leading to injury or death.
  • result in over-browsing of local vegetation and ornamental plants, including resident’s gardens.
  • increase deer-vehicle collisions, a danger to both deer and motorists.

Feeding is bad for deer and bad for residents. While the town is now actively working on a solution to the deer population to protect the health and safety of citizens, please do not feed deer and other wildlife. The Feeding Wild Animals bylaw can be found on our website at pdf Feeding Wild Animals Bylaw (116 KB) . You may also request a paper copy at town hall, 400 Main Street.



At the time of this article’s publishing, council meetings are still being held virtually due to renovations at town hall. Please check our website town council calendar and Facebook page for updates. You can watch meetings live through our website at Agendas, Minutes & Livestream.

The regular town council meeting is May 12 at 6:30 p.m. Committee of the whole meets May 26 at 3:30 p.m.


Are you a user of the transit bus? Do you have a disability? Are you a newcomer to our community? Are you a student and use the transit bus?

If the answer is yes to any of the above, we want your help. We are seeking five residents with diverse backgrounds to volunteer for the town’s transit advisory committee.

Your voice will advise town council on the transit service. It only takes one hour every other month for meetings.

Apply by May 11. You can download the application form at pdf Transit Advisory Sign (200 KB)  Give the completed form to a Town of Yarmouth bus driver or drop it off at town hall. You can also email it to with the subject transit committee application. Paper copies are also available at town hall and Yarmouth South Freshmart.


Did you know you need a permit for recreational burning in the Town of Yarmouth? Last fall, council passed the Open Air Burning Bylaw which outlines requirements for residents wishing to enjoy backyard firepits.

Burning is allowed with specific restrictions, and you must obtain a permit from the Yarmouth Fire Department. To learn more and apply for a permit, visit Backyard Fire Permit Paper copies of the permit application are also available at town hall.


The supply of Class A compost at the Yarmouth Compost Facility, located at 1932 Hardscratch Rd., is sold out. We apologize for any inconvenience to those who had plans to purchase for their gardening needs. Once a new batch is ready, we will advise the public.


The Town of Yarmouth is seeking to fill the following positions:

Parks attendant, one position (May to August 2022) - Attendants perform duties contributing to the overall maintenance and beautification of our town’s parks, grounds and green spaces.

Green team, two positions (May to August 2022) - The Green Team summer students will primarily be responsible for litter abatement throughout the town. To apply, forward your cover letter and resume to

Public works transportation supervisor - This position will be directly responsible for supervising the day-today activities of a unionized workforce. This includes responsibilities for the overall operations and maintenance of the town’s streets, sidewalks, curbs, street lights, traffic lights, signage, etc.

For full details on these positions and to apply, visit: Employment Opportunities.

Information Edge is a monthly update bringing you important news and information from the Town of Yarmouth.