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Three public hearings will be held on Thursday, April 8th, 2021 at 7:30 pm in Town Council Chambers, 400 Main Street.

Three public hearings will be held on Thursday, April 8th, 2021 at 7:30 pm in Town Council Chambers, 400 Main Street. Verbal submissions will be received at the time of the public hearings by registering to speak in person. Speakers are required to wear a mask at all times throughout the hearings except when speaking. Speakers are required to register no later than 4:30 pm on Wednesday, April 7th by emailing or calling 902-742-8565. Written submissions will also be accepted.

Take notice that the Council of the Town of Yarmouth will hold public hearings regarding the following matters:

1. Repeal of Curfew Bylaw

This hearing addresses a motion that Council approve the repeal of the Curfew Bylaw as recommended by the Staff Sergeant (Municipal RCMP). The recommendation for repeal was brought to the Police Advisory Committee on the grounds that the bylaw could be deemed contrary to the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, namely, section 6-9, inclusive. More details on the recommendation for repeal, including the letter from the Staff Sergeant, can be found in the minutes for the March 11th council meeting at

2. Repeal of Officers Bylaw

This hearing addresses a motion that Council approve the repeal of the Officers Bylaw as recommended by the CAO. Town of Yarmouth staff have recently undertaken a review of policies to determine which ones need updating and which policies are no longer needed. The Officers Bylaw dates back to 1983 and had relevance during a time when town council essentially performed the duties of the CAO. It contains outdated directives and references positions that no longer exist, making it a candidate for repeal. A copy of the bylaw can be found on the town’s website at

3. Sale of South Centennial School

This hearing addresses a motion that Council enter into a purchase and sale agreement for South Centennial School at 20 Forbes Street with the Boys & Girls Club contingent on a public hearing and terms set out in their proposal. A public hearing is required when a property is being sold to a not-for-profit below market value, and the subject property is valued at higher than $10,000. The Boys & Girls Club have prepared a proposal to use the former school in the delivery of their community programming while also maintaining the right to incorporate other institutional uses. Details of the proposal will be revealed at the hearing.