Are you seeking personal and platform details on 2020 election candidates? We have you covered.
Thanks to Saltwire Network, below are bio and platform details on the Mayoral, Councillor and CSAP candidates for the 2020 Municipal Election being held on October 17th, 2020. PLEASE NOTE: the candidates listed on this page are those that decided to participate in the "Meet the Candidates" format. For a FULL list of candidates, click here.
Here are the candidates for Councillor (in no particular order):
Don BerryQ. Why have you chosen to run in this election campaign? A. I have been a councillor for the last four years. Many positive things have happened, and some things are still to be completed. I would like to represent the town again and see these projects through to the finish line. |
Steve BerryQ. Why have you chosen to run in this election campaign? A. In the May byelection of 2019, the citizens of Yarmouth voted in overwhelming favour to support me in becoming a town councillor. Since being elected, I have worked hard to be an active member of my community. I believe the next few years are very important and will require leadership like never before. As elected officials we must have the work ethic and vision needed to make the hard decisions that will help move our town forward. I will use my experience to help lead our town in the right direction, while involving our citizens every step of the way. |
Byron BoudreauQ. Why have you chosen to run in this election campaign? A. I was a councillor for three terms and I have a lot of experience in municipal government. |
Wade ClevelandQ. Why have you chosen to run in this election campaign? A. This would be my second term in office. It has been a crazy four years. There has been a lot done this term, including getting comfortable with how local government works. It’s a fairly steep learning curve. I feel that I have done well but there is so much more to do. Over the past four years I have chaired two major groups – Communities in Bloom, which hosted the world in Yarmouth last year, and YASTA, which deals with tourism. Next, I want to tackle housing and the Mariner’s Centre, to begin with. I am now chair of the Mariner’s Centre management board. |
Gil DaresQ. Why have you chosen to run in this election? A. I have a strong desire to make Yarmouth the very best place it can be to live, work and play; a place where we take care of each other and always look to the future with optimism. Before we can do that, we need to make some changes. This can best be accomplished by having a seat at the table where the decisions are being made. I have a reputation for getting involved, setting goals and accomplishing those goals. |
Brandon GatesQ. Why have you chosen to run in this election campaign? A. I moved back from Vancouver five years ago and have seen such a lack of unity from town hall right down to the average worker. It is something I would like to rebuild and help us to work together. I have heard many complaints from residents saying their wishes are not being done and/or things are being done for a minority of peoples. I want to influence unity and accountability in Yarmouth and help make things better for all of us. |
Murray GoodwinQ. Why have you chosen to run in this election campaign? A. I come from a working-class background. I feel I understand the struggles a lot of our residents face. Being part of council, I feel I can work hard towards positive changes for our community. I believe through my time spent on municipal council, I have proven I’m dedicated to working towards the betterment of our community. I’m also a retiree and I can fully devote myself to this position. |
Heather HatfieldQ. Why have you chosen to run in this election campaign? A. I grew up in a politically minded family. My father, Staley Goodwin, was a long-time councillor for the Municipality of Yarmouth. I have a passion for serving my community and sit on various committees and boards in an effort to impact positive change. I believe that we are moving in the right direction and, with a cohesive and progressive council, we will be able to achieve greater things. |
Cliff HoodQ. Why have you chosen to run in this election campaign? A. I have chosen to run to continue to provide my considerable experience in business and public affairs for the benefit of the Town and region. |
Mark HubbardQ. Why have you chosen to run in this election campaign? A. During the time of COVID-19 I had a lot of time in isolation (76 days), and was helping people through social media cope through online conversations. Now I want to help my town and exclude no one. I have always been a supporter of mental health, and it should have been done earlier. |
Derek LesserQ. Why have you chosen to run in this election campaign? A. I have always had an interest in politics but usually behind the scenes. I am always thinking of ways to make our community better so I decided to put my name forward for consideration. I have a unique skill set that lends itself for the betterment of Yarmouth. Yarmouth needs more opportunities for employment and growth and I believe town council can help initiate this. I talk with lots of people to get an idea of what makes a community great and I think we have all the ingredients. |
Daniel MacIsaacQ. Why have you chosen to run in this election campaign? A. As a business owner and homeowner, I know our town taxes are too high for the services we receive. When I was on town council, my main concern was the taxpayer, the people paying the bills. I will always fight to make sure your tax dollars are spent wisely. People who know me know I am never afraid to speak up, and say what’s on my mind. I want to bring full transparency and openness to issues such as the Nova Scotia ferry, the Mariners Centre, and all town spending, so taxpayers know where their hard-earned money goes. |
Neil MackenzieQ. Why have you chosen to run in this election campaign? A. My father believed in working for your community and my mom is a living example of helping others. Our tourism industry will need all the help it can get over the next few years and I feel we have to do everything we can to ensure our residents have more access to family doctors. The recent loss of a massive piece of our recreation infrastructure has also hit my family and the community hard. I want to help bring the former YMCA facility back on track and move ahead with an aquatic centre at the mariners centre. |
Sean MacLellanQ. Why have you chosen to run in this election campaign? A. I'm now retired, and I wanted to continue to contribute to the community, as I have for the past 26 years. I have been on numerous committees and helped many organizations over the years, often MCing events and advising people how to promote their events and groups. I'm hoping I can do even more as a councillor. |
Jim MacLeodQ. Why have you chosen to run in this election campaign? A. I have served as councillor for our town for two terms from 1985-1991 and from 2012-2020. I am reoffering as I feel that I can contribute to the operation of our town. I am available on a full-time basis for meetings and discussions on topics of importance to all citizens. |
James OgdenQ. Why have you chosen to run in this election campaign? A. I have chosen to run in this election primarily because of the people. Over the many years of serving the community and beyond I have dealt with the many vast areas of life, Helping people it whatever way I can. Physically, financially, mentally (and of course spiritually) I just feel to broaden my reach of help into the community. |
Sid TabbQ. Why have you chosen to run in this election campaign? A. As a member or this town, I have been let down like many others and disappointed with many of the council's actions and non-actions over the last four years, so if you want things to change I have learned in life, step up and work hard for what you believe. It is my intention to work hard for this town and the good people that make this a unique and great place to live. |
Here are the candidates for Mayor (in no particular order):
Charles CrosbyQ. Why have you chosen to run in this election campaign? A. I think I can make a difference to improve on some of the town projects. |
Pam MoodQ. Why have you chosen to run in this election campaign? A. Because I care deeply about the people and businesses of this entire region. We have been through a lot and have accomplished a great deal in the past years and there’s much more to do. We have turned this town around together and more than ever we need strong, positive leadership to ensure we keep moving forward. |
Angie RomardQ. Why are you running? A. I opted to run for mayor for several reasons: I, and the public, became more aware of who was opting in through scrutinizing social media. I noted the public, along with myself, weren't comfortable with the choices opting in. I do not feel the major issues pressing Yarmouth will be addressed. I feel the voters opinions and views are forgotten, and I want to change that. I have great ideas, I want to be heard and I would like these ideas put forth into the community. I believe that if you don't like what you see or hear, be proactive. |
Conseil Scolaire Acadien Provincial:
Clyde DeVillerQ. Why have you chosen to run in this election campaign? A. After a successful first mandate on CSAP, I want to build on those successes by putting our new strategic plan into action along with the construction of a new school in Wedgeport, hopefully with a community centre, and the construction of a trades workshop at École secondaire de Par-en-Bas (ÉSPB). I also want to work towards a solution to the overcrowding at École Belleville, a new or renovated École Pubnico-Ouest and maximizing the positive benefits for our children and families when we host the National Acadian Congress in 2024. |
Jeanelle d'EntremontQ. Why have you chosen to run in this election campaign? A. The motivating factor for my interest in the school board stemsfrom being an advocate for parents. I was at one time president of Le Foyer École de Pubnico-Ouest, founding president of La Federation provinciale des parents acadiens, and vice chair of La Commission Nationale des Parents Francophones. I am presently vice chair of the CSAP and sit on various committees, including the education committee.I was named as the CSAP member to set up guidelines for PACE, the provincial advisory committee for education. |
Greg FosterQ. Why have you chosen to run in this election campaign? A. Having worked as a teacher in our local schools, during the last 12 years, I am very familiar with the functioning of our education system as well as the needs, wants and priorities of our students and parents. For me, education should be the top priority in our society as so much is dependent upon a successful education system. A good education is the key to success for the individual learner as well as being of major benefit to the community and society as a whole. My goal, if elected, is to contribute towards the improvement of our public education system. |