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Each new year is cause to reflect and motivation to look forward. I recently found myself doing both and ended up in a state of awe of 2022’s accomplishments and excitement for 2023.

Let this be said: every achievement is credited to top-notch staff that strives for and attains excellence in all they do, a cohesive Council that is committed to building and making this community better for the entire region, the partners who understand a rising tide floats all boats, and our residents, businesses and organizations who believe in what we can accomplish together. Thank you.

Grab your favourite snack and get comfy because the list of achievements is long. That makes me smile. Let’s start with the largest project ever tackled by Yarmouth County’s three municipal units: the Mariners Centre expansion. It’s been a dream for quite some time and this year saw much movement including the securing of Federal, Provincial and Municipal funds. Get ready for a great year ahead as we work towards building a community hub that will benefit us all, physically and mentally.

The CAT ferry returned, allowing many to exhale the proverbial breath we’d been holding. The impact the ferry has on our economy, and all of Nova Scotia’s, cannot be overstated. It’s the difference between businesses closing and being able to stay open. Jobs are created, tourism thrives, and success is achieved. With the return of the ferry, Phase 1 of the Ferry Terminal project was completed to the tune of nearly $10 million, taken on by the three municipal units, the federal government, and the province. We can continue to welcome our visitors. And oh, how they love Yarmouth County!

The national award we won for our downtown revitalization and the Communities in Bloom awards for National Landscaping and Class of Champions categories is a testament to the work being done to make us a destination for others, and to make the town more comfortable and inviting for our own residents. As well, the amazing success of the Mural and Façade Programs brings even more life to our town. From historical to floral to the fishery and more, businesses have stepped up to take advantage of this initiative, adding yet another layer. Thank you to the talented Danielle Mahood and other artists for the wonderful artwork.

We have all uttered that three-letter word that encapsulates what we want to say but can’t get out: “WOW!” As we’ve seen business after business change facades, we have been in awe of the beauty that is a result of the owners’ visions coming to life. Thank you to each business that had the courage and vision to revamp, bringing colour, and excitement and beckoning folks, “Come to the downtown”. Colour makes us feel better, lifts our spirits, and most importantly, creates a space where businesses want to set up, providing much-needed services, jobs and more. It’s working. While each and every bit of colour is equally important, a special thank you to Richard LeBlanc who has taken on a tremendous number of buildings and turned “drab into fab” for us all to enjoy. Again, wow!

We were excited to get our first-ever accessibility action plan in place, thanks to our great committee members. This will guide us as a Town as we work towards making the Province accessible by 2030.

One of Council’s favourite projects has been the continued extension of the active transportation trail – accessible of course! It’s much wider than a sidewalk and allows people to walk, run, ride bikes and travel with strollers, wheelchairs, scooters and more in a safe manner. So many folks are now able to take nice long walks, and we get so excited when they share that they’ve met their neighbours on the trail for the first time. We’ve connected one end of town with the other, no small feat. It’s increased the ability for people to get around more easily and upped physical activity which in turn plays a huge role in mental health, one of our greatest concerns. Win-win!

Speaking of activity, have you seen that splash park? It’s wonderful! It’s fun! It’s perfect! And it was completed in what I believe is the “best way to get something done quickly, efficiently and exactly the way you want it” – that is, by a community group taking it on. Thanks to Linda Gallagher and her team, together with a hand from engineers and generous donors, our children (and us kids at heart) have a state-of-the-art splash park that has already brought such joy. This group fundraised, planned, pulled together and got the job done much better and faster than we could have. Hats off to you.

Physician Recruitment has continued and while it’s a long game, the success of our navigator Rebecca Cassidy has been second to none. More doctors and health care professionals are finding their way here because of her work. Special thanks to the community for welcoming new doctors with open arms and our world-famous hospitality. You’re the best! Let’s also give a standing ovation to Coastal Financial Credit Union for their one-year anniversary of building the doctor's residence on Vancouver Street which has increased the success of recruitment. Community supporting community on a whole other level!

We are so thankful for each addition to our community. I admittedly did a Mayoral Happy Dance (it wasn’t pretty but it was heartfelt!) when I learned that our population has increased by nearly five (5) percent. Let me put that into perspective: our population has not increased since the very early 1990s. In the last four years, hundreds have found Yarmouth and called her home. It’s no accident. The work done to set the table for success has contributed greatly, as has the quality of life folks experience here. Being in the banana belt of Nova Scotia doesn’t hurt, nor does living seaside. It’s as I always say, “the best piece of real estate on earth” – we call it Yarmouth. Home.

My smile widens as well with the growing diversity of our community. I wonder if we understand just how blessed we are on this front. Our friends and neighbours are wonderful communities of Acadians, First Nations and African Nova Scotians. The richness of our region because of the diversity can’t be understated. Add to this that folks from all over the world – Korea, Vietnam, Germany, United States, Philippines, Great Britain, Lebanon, Ukraine and so many other countries – call Yarmouth home, and we are that much more fortunate. International cuisine restaurants are popping up, folks are working, and the benefits are plentiful, but the biggest blessing is how we can learn from each other when we open our hearts. In peace – something not everyone in the world lives in.

One very special event this year was our Truth and Reconciliation gathering, where we were treated to some history by elders, music, a time of reflection and so much more. From my heart, wela’lioq to AFN for being so kind and patient as I and many others learn from you. When we know better, we do better, which happens when we genuinely seek to understand. The donated hand-carved bench in Frost Park is there for folks to sit and reflect on Truth and Reconciliation and is a special reminder of both the history and hope for the future. My prayer is that we continue to learn from each other.

The upcoming year? We will regroup and keep moving! There are lots of plans in place. A waterfront committee will reveal the potential there. Work on the Mariners expansion will continue. So much. But most important, as we continue to grow the Town as the service center for the region, we must also continue to dig deeply to find solutions for Provincially-mandated issues such as health care and housing. As quickly as possible. Thank you to the many organizations and groups who are helping to feed the hungry, put a roof over their heads and help each other in any way. What you do matters beyond anything.
Finally, thank you to a Council that is forward-thinking, passionate, cohesive and willing to do whatever it takes to make things better for our citizens. What a joy it is to work with each of you and with a staff that cares so much. And to each of you that calls Yarmouth your Town, you’re the best. Blessings to all!

Thank you

Mayor Pam Mood