Step It UP Yarmouth! 2022 is the “Year of the Garden”.
It’s June and everywhere you go, beautiful blooms are on display. Yarmouth offers plenty of colour this time of year, and we have our local chapter of Communities in Bloom (CIB), the Yarmouth Garden Club and dozens of volunteers to thank for it. Every spring they show up, gloves and tools in hand, ready to pull weeds and plant flowers. And they don’t just plant in one or two places. You can enjoy their work at a number of places throughout the town. Frost Park, the Lost to the Sea Memorial, the awesome large planters seen in front of Town Hall and on Main Street, on Vancouver Street by the Milton Horse – these are just a few spots where they do their thing each year. The work these volunteers have done over the years has won Yarmouth several CIB national awards. Thank you, CIB Yarmouth, the Yarmouth Garden Club, and all volunteers!
Each year, CIB introduces a theme. 2022 has been declared as the “Year of the Garden”, a Centennial Celebration of Canada’s horticulture sector from January 1 to December 31, 2022. A key part of this theme sees the garden community share their knowledge and encourage all Canadians to live the ‘garden life’. As the tourist season has begun and we welcome the return of visitors from the US on the CAT ferry, sprucing up our community has never been more important. And every little bit we all do together can earn us more recognition and national awards from CIB.
In an effort to engage residents and businesses to embrace the garden life and make our community more welcoming this summer, CIB Yarmouth is asking citizens to think about what they might do, even in a small way, to increase the attractiveness of their property. They’ve introduced a program called “Step It UP Yarmouth”. The idea is simple. Add some colour and curb appeal by putting together a planter, and displaying it on your front step! It’s easy enough even for inexperienced gardeners, and there are plants and flowers to choose from to fit any location or budget. Participants can also come to Yarmouth Town Hall, 400 Main Street, and get a free “Step It UP Yarmouth” planter sign (see photo) to show their community pride. So, in the spirit of community, and to help welcome back visitors this tourist season, get that flower pot on your step and come get your free planter sign today!
Monthly FYIs for June/July
Upcoming Council Meetings
You can watch meetings live through our website at agenda-and-minutes-livestream.html
o Committee of the Whole Council Meeting Thursday, June 23rd, 3:30 pm
o Regular Town Council Meeting Thursday, July 14th, 6:30 pm
Attention Gardeners: Class "A" Compost is BACK!
Attention gardeners: class 'A' compost is again available for purchase at our compost facility located at 1934 Hardscratch Road (Yarmouth County Solid Waste Park). We have a new batch ready to go and the price is $25/yd. the quality is amazing so load up today! If you need more information, please phone 902-742-5220 or 902-742-7525.
Community Events: Be Sure to Check the Calendar
Looking for fun local activities? Keep an eye on the Town of Yarmouth community events calendar for great local events and activities. Check out the calendar on the homepage of our website at Do you have an event to add to the calendar? Send in your submission today:
Get Involved: Learn More About Development Applications and Projects in the Town of Yarmouth
Want to know more about planning applications and projects in the Town of Yarmouth, then check out “Get Involved Yarmouth” at You can also stop by Town Hall to see the Current Planning Applications board in the Lobby, or come upstairs to the Planning and Development office and talk to our Planner.
Recreational Burning Permits
Did you know that you need a permit for recreational burning in the Town of Yarmouth? Last fall, council passed the “Open Air Burning Bylaw” which outlines requirements for residents wishing to enjoy backyard fire pits. Burning is allowed with specific restrictions and you must obtain a permit from the Yarmouth Fire Department. To learn more and apply for a permit, visit: Paper copies of the permit application are also available at town hall, 400 Main Street.
Employment Opportunities
The Town of Yarmouth is seeking to fill the following positions:
Water Treatment Plant Operator
This role involves water treatment facility operational duties, as well as duties related to the monitoring of the water quality, in the facility, in the distribution system, and in the watershed, as assigned by the Chief Operator.
Wastewater Treatment Plant Operator
This position involves wastewater treatment facility operational duties related to the safe and efficient operation of the Yarmouth Wastewater Treatment Plant.
Compost Facility Labourer
This position involves sorting compostable organic material. Duties will also include some general housekeeping and facility maintenance.
Public Works Transportation Supervisor
This position will be directly responsible for supervising the day-to-day activities of a unionized work force. This includes responsibilities for the overall operations and maintenance of the Town of Yarmouth transportation infrastructure - streets, sidewalks, curbs, street lights, traffic lights, signage, etc.
For full details on these positions and to apply, visit: Employment Opportunities.