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The Town of Yarmouth is today launching the first phase of public engagement for its Planning Review Project, a project to review the Municipal Planning Strategy, Land Use Bylaw, and Subdivision Bylaw.

Wednesday, March 27th, 2024 - Yarmouth, N.S.  – the Town of Yarmouth is today launching the first phase of public engagement for its Planning Review Project, a project to review the Municipal Planning Strategy, Land Use Bylaw, and Subdivision Bylaw. The Municipal Government Act, which governs how municipalities operate in Nova Scotia, requires planning documents to be reviewed at least once every 10 years. The town’s planning documents were last reviewed in 2016. The project presents an exciting opportunity to reestablish a vision for the Town, and to ensure our planning and development processes better serve our residents and businesses into the future.

The town will work closely with residents, businesses, and other community members to ensure that the Municipal Planning Bylaw, Land Use Bylaw, and Subdivision Bylaw reflect the needs and values of the community. Over the next two years, there will be many opportunities to share your opinions about the project, including:

  • The Initial Engagement phase will begin Spring 2024 and will include consultation with community members, both in-person and online, to determine the aspirations for the town. The information gathered from these sessions will be summarized in a report that will be released in June 2024.
  • The Issues and Options phase will take place from January to March 2025. This will include community workshops, stakeholder interviews/focus groups, and council meetings to discuss town issues that the community believes should be addressed through these plans.
  • The Draft Engagement phase will take place from August to November 2025. This will be an opportunity for the community to comment on what they like and dislike about the first draft of these plans.
  • The Final Engagement phase for this project will take place between January and March 2026. After the second draft of the MPS, LUB, and Subdivision Bylaw are completed, the community will be asked to provide feedback on these documents, which will be ad-dressed in the final documents that will be finalized in Spring 2026.

Please visit for more information about how to stay up to date with the project.
