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Please be advised of the following council approvals made at two recent regular Town Council meetings.


This is to serve notice that the council of the Town of Yarmouth, at its meeting on June 9, 2022, at 6:30 pm, approved the following:

1. Open Space Zone and institutional uses - Municipal Planning Strategy and Land Use Bylaw Amendments

What is this about?
To permit existing institutional uses within the Open Space zone, regardless of whether they are located in an existing building.

How will this affect me?
This will allow institutional uses within the Open Space zone to expand existing buildings.

2. Commercial Vans - Development Agreement Application and Amendments to the Municipal Planning Strategy and Land Use Bylaw

What is this about?
These amendments will allow commercial vans larger than 6,804 kg to be permitted on residential lots by Development Agreement.

How will this affect me?
This will allow property owners to apply for a Development Agreement to allow commercial vehicles larger than 6,804 kg on residential lots.

14 Day Appeal Period
Development Agreements have a right of appeal to the Nova Scotia Utility and Review Board within 14 days of this notice. The Development Agreement is considered effective at the end of this 14 day appeal period, if no appeals are received. Note: the amendments to the Municipal Planning Strategy and Land Use Bylaw associated with this application are not subject to appeal.

How do I get more information?
Please visit

Dated July 27, 2022


This is to serve notice that the Council of the Town of Yarmouth, at its meeting on July 14, 2022, at 6:30 pm, approved the following:

 1. Land Use Bylaw (LUB) Amendments - Institutional Zone

What is this about?
The Town received a request to amend the LUB to enable more flexibility on the number and size of accessory buildings within the Institutional zone (I-1).

How will this affect me?

These amendments apply only to lots zoned Institutional (I-1).

14 Day Appeal Period
Approvals to amend the LUB have a right of appeal to the Nova Scotia Utility and Review Board within 14 days of this notice. The amendments are considered effective at the end of this 14 day appeal period, if no appeals are received.

2. Taxi Bylaw Housekeeping Amendments

The approved changes are simple housekeeping amendments. Council approved second reading to amend the Taxi Bylaw to correct numbering of items within the bylaw to be in alignment with Summary Offences Proceedings Act regulations.

Copies of the taxi bylaw, and other bylaws, can be found on our website at:

Paper copies are available at Town Hall.

Dated July 27, 2022