A Public Hearing will be held on Thursday, December 14th, at 6:30 pm in Council chambers, located at 400 Main Street. Two applications will be addressed as follows...
Members of the public can attend and speak at the hearing, or hand in written submissions. Written submissions can be emailed to admin@townofyarmouth.ca, or delivered to town hall, and must be received by 12 pm (noon) on December 7th.
What is the Hearing About?
This Public Hearing will address two separate applications as follows:
1. 37 Huntington Street (PID# 90202250)
The Town received an application for a Development Agreement to continue using an existing four (4) unit residential building located at 37 Huntington Street as short-term rental accommodations. No changes to the building or site design are being sought through this application.
How Will This Affect Me?
Subject to Council approval of the application, the proposed Development Agreement would allow units in the existing building to be used as residential dwellings and/or short-term rentals. These changes would only apply to this property.
2. 236 Water Street (PID# 90334103)
The Town received an application for a Development Agreement to permit a new residential development including a combined total of 56 dwelling units within two buildings at 236 Water Street.
How Will This Affect Me?
Subject to Council approval of the application, the proposed Development Agreement would allow for a new residential development with up to 56 units. These changes would only apply to this property.
For more information, please visit: https://getinvolvedyarmouth.ca/
You may also contact us by phone at (902)-742-1505 or by emailing planningadmin@townofyarmouth.ca. You may also obtain a copy of the Planner’s reports at Town Hall, 400 Main Street.