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This is to serve notice that the Council of the Town of Yarmouth, at its meeting on Thursday, February 8th, 2024 at 6:30 pm, at Yarmouth Town Hall, 400 Main Street, approved the following...

Development Applications

55 Green Street (PID# 90211293)
An amendment to the Land Use Bylaw to rezone 55 Green Street from Low Density Residential (R-1) Zone to Medium Density Residential (R-2) Zone to allow for an intended conversion of an existing two (2) unit residential building to a four (4) unit building. No additions or changes to the building design are anticipated at this time, as the applicant indicated their intent to re-use the existing building.

1 & 3 Kirk Street (PID #90208869)
A new Development Agreement to update on-site parking requirements and allow for one additional dwelling unit within an existing building at 1 Kirk Street. A housekeeping amendment to the Land Use Bylaw to rezone a small portion of 1 & 3 Kirk Street (approximately 200 square meters) from the existing R-2 Zone to C-1 Zone to consolidate the zoning across the subject lands was also approved as part of this application.

14 Day Appeal Period 
Appeal may be made to the Nova Scotia Utility and Review Board within fourteen days (14) of the publication of this notice. Any aggrieved person, the Provincial Director of Planning or Council of an adjoining Municipality may, within the prescribed appeal period, appeal the decision of Council to the Nova Scotia Utility and Review Board in accordance with the Municipal Government Act.

Dated February 21st, 2024.

More Information
For more information, please visit:
You may also contact us by phone at (902)-742-1505 or by emailing You may also obtain a copy of the Planner’s reports at Town Hall, 400 Main Street.

Bylaw Amendments

1. Marketing Levy Bylaw
Council approved a recommendation to repeal the Marketing and Promotions Levy Bylaw of January 1, 2007, and replace it with the “Marketing Levy Bylaw”. The new bylaw will be better aligned with marketing levy bylaws used in the rest of the province. It will allow for the levy to be collected equally from visitors across all types of accommodations.

2. Fire Department Bylaw Amendments
Council approved amendments to the bylaw, in particular a key change to lower the age requirement for volunteer firefighters from 19 to 17. This will allow the department to engage a younger audience that is interested in serving their community, and learning what is involved in becoming a volunteer.

The amendments for both of the above-mentioned bylaws become effective on the date of this publication. Dated February 21st, 2024.

Copies of bylaws can be obtained at or at town hall, 400 Main Street.