This is to serve notice that the Council of the Town of Yarmouth, at its meeting on Thursday, November 16th, 2023, at 6:30 pm, at town hall, 400 Main Street, approved the following...
1. Parking Violations Bylaw Amendment
Council approved amendments to correct inconsistencies in the Parking Violations Bylaw. Amendments included updating definitions, updating parking hours to match current parking signs, updating information on winter parking regulations, addition of parking regulations for electric vehicles and electric vehicle charging spaces, updating regulations for parking permits which are now electronic and not paper, and clearer language on fines.
2. Taxi Bylaw Amendment
Amendments were approved to update the bylaw to include provisions for future Taxi License applications using ‘hybrid’ and/or fully ‘electric’ vehicles. The use of fully electric vehicles supports the provincial Climate Change Plan in transitioning to zero emissions vehicles.
3. New Vending Bylaw
Council approved the repeal and replacement of the current Licenses Bylaw and Street Vendors Bylaw with a new Vending Bylaw. While the previous two bylaws focused on events and entertainment taking place within a private venue, the new Vending Bylaw will focus only on outdoor events in public or private spaces. The new bylaw also focuses on the types of outdoor events, frequency, and scheduling. The bylaw also sees the removal of provisions for on-street vending in parking spots on Main Street. On-street vending is now encouraged along areas of Water Street and in proximity to recreational areas. This allows for more vending opportunities, in safer locations.
Finally, under the new bylaw, registered not for profits and charities are able to obtain permits for such events at no cost. The bylaw is simpler to understand, easier for staff to enforce, and will offer a better application experience for applicants.
4. Minimum Housing Standards Bylaw Amendment
Council approved an amendment to add the requirement for smoke alarms to be installed in residential dwelling units. The Nova Scotia Fire Code requires working smoke alarms on all levels of a dwelling and outside every sleeping area (they may be battery operated). It is the responsibility of owners and tenants to ensure that, if a smoke alarm is not working, it is repaired immediately.
The amendments for all four of the above become effective on the date of this notice.
Dated November 29th, 2023.
Copies of bylaws can be obtained at or at town hall, 400 Main Street.
24 Albert Street - Development Agreement
This is to serve notice that the Council of the Town of Yarmouth, at its meeting on Thursday, November 16th, 2023 at 6:30 pm, at Yarmouth Town Hall, 400 Main Street, approved a Development Agreement to allow for two units to continue to be used as dwelling units, short-term rentals, or a combination of the two at 24 Albert Street (PID# 90210386).
How Will This Affect Me?
The approved Development Agreement allows units in the existing building to be used as residential dwellings and/or short-term rentals. These changes will only apply to this property.
14 Day Appeal Period
Appeal of this Development Agreement may be made to the Nova Scotia Utility and Review Board within fourteen days (14) of the publication of this notice. Any aggrieved person, the Provincial Director of Planning or Council of an adjoining Municipality may, within the prescribed appeal period, appeal the decision of Council to the Nova Scotia Utility and Review Board in accordance with the Municipal Government Act.
Dated November 29th, 2023.