In this issue, Mayor Mood touches on springtime expectations, both good and bad.
The yays and nays of spring time
It's Saturday morning, the sun is shining and I start to belt out a Beatles tune: “Little darling, it's been a long, cold, lonely winter.”
You sang it too, didn't you? I'm smiling because the sun, especially given the stormladen weekends and slushfilled days we've experienced during the past few months, is a beacon of hope, a reminder that spring has nearly sprung. As I let that fact settle in,
I'm reminded of what spring brings to us here in western Nova Scotia.
First, it brings everyone's not-so-favourite game show: Dodge the Potholes. Regular conversations with my mayor colleagues across the country tell me we are not alone. While it's frustrating, it's something we have to come to terms with because given the climate Mother Nature has bestowed upon us, pothole season will continue to be an annual event.
So how are potholes formed? Mix the water from the rain and snow, add some cold temperatures and you have the perfect recipe for potholes. During the winter, the water seeps into the cracks in the pavement and accumulates beneath the asphalt. The cold temperatures, of course, turn the water to ice, which expands. As heavy vehicles travel over the weakened road it pushes downward, creating the much-reviled pothole.
The fix? It's not a quick one. The best that can be done is to attempt to fill them, knowing they will be emptied out within hours of vehicles driving over them. The lasting repairs happen in the dryer season when the water below the surface has had time to dissipate.
What can we do? Go to SeeClickFix can_yarmouth-town to report the potholes. Our team will do all they can to alleviate the issue until a more permanent fix can be rendered. If you live outside the town limits, call your local councillor or the Department of Transportation and Public Works. In the meantime, let's all cross our fingers warm, dryer weather is on its way.
Spring brings positives as well. As a child, I would run into the backyard in search of the first snowdrop, a white flower with green leaves that would magically pop through the soil despite the traces of snow still remaining. I'd excitedly bring them to mom. My children did the same for me. And now I'm excited for my grandchildren to carry on that spring tradition.
Whether it's a snowdrop, crocus, pussy willow or daffodil trying to peek through, weather that brings out blossoms also attracts our Communities In Bloom team. You'll see these amazing volunteers weeding gardens, clearing debris and readying the soil for planting. It won't take long for our CIB and parks teams to paint our town with the bright, happy colours we all enjoy.
But guess what else loves the blooms? That's right, the deer. Some say they're cute, that we are invading their territory and, to them, the no-feeding rules don't seem to apply. For others, they are not only a nuisance, but dangerous.
They eat the plants residents have invested money in, leave droppings and make their homes in our back yards. That's not half bad. But it gets worse. One life has already been lost to a deer and vehicle collision. That's one too many. People on bicycles have been knocked over and others nearly so as they exercise outside. Deer also ruin the vegetable gardens that, for some, is their opportunity to grow fresh food to help feed their families for months to come. Not okay.
Deer have ticks on them that can carry Lyme disease. They end up on our pets who can pass them onto us and our children. That our children can't play safely in their yards without fear of attracting these diseased parasites that are often so small they are undetectable is simply dangerous.
Town council continues to look for a solution because the health and safety of our citizens is paramount. They may be beautiful to look at but the dangers far exceed “cute.”
And a final word on deer, please do not purposely feed them. It makes the situation worse and is in violation of our feeding wild animals bylaw. You can learn more about the bylaw on our website under townofyarmouth. ca/town-hall/by-laws.html
Last, but not least, is the litter issue. When the snow melts, we see how very little some respect their community. Hundreds of feces-filled doggie bags are strewn in bushes by irresponsible pet owners; coffee cups, plastics and paper are everywhere.
And yet, as we shake our heads in despair, we look up and see civic-minded individuals, their litter pickup tools and garbage bags in hand, cleaning up what was left by others. It's an investment in our community and we extend our heartfelt thanks for believing in, caring for and investing in our community. Will you join them? Many hands make light work.
So in the end, while yes, “Little darlin', it's been a long, cold, lonely winter” the great news is that we can all rally around the chorus: “Here comes the sun and I say, it's all right!”
From the Mayor’s Desk is a regular column from Yarmouth Mayor Pam Mood that serves to inform residents and celebrate community.