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A Public Hearing will be held on Thursday, May 16th, 2024 at 6:30 pm in Council chambers, located at 400 Main Street. Please read more for details on the hearing topics.

Members of the public can attend and speak at the hearing, or hand in written submissions. Written submissions can be emailed to, or delivered to town hall, and must be received by 12 pm (noon) on May 14th, 2024.

What is the Hearing About? 
This Public Hearing will address two separate items as follows:

1. Proposed Development Agreement for 239 Forest Street

The owner of 239 Forest Street applied to enter into a Development Agreement to permit a new accessory building on their lot. If approved by Council, the proposed Development Agreement would provide the landowner with an additional level of development flexibility that would allow for the intended accessory building to be constructed in the front yard of their lot.

2. Proposed Land Use By-law Amendments – Electric Fences

Over the past several months, the town has received a number of inquiries about electric fences within the town limits. If approved by Council, the proposed amendments would prohibit the use of electrified fencing in the Town of Yarmouth.

Historically, electric fencing has been used for grazing or pasture management by containing animals within a selected area of crop or pasture (i.e., keeping animals “in”). However, as urban farming and urban food production in general have been gaining popularity among urban dwellers, so has the interest for electric fences in towns and cities to protect crops from urban wildlife (i.e., keeping animals “out”). That is likely the main reason why some municipalities across North America elected to introduce regulations to restrict their use in urban areas.

The proposed amendments favour public safety over reliance on technological advances that have significantly reduced, but not completely eliminated, potential safety hazards, health risks and injuries to humans and animals from coming into contact with an energized fence.

For more information on both of these public hearing matters, visit: You may also contact us by phone at (902)-742-1505 or by email You may also obtain a copy of the Planner’s reports at Town Hall, 400 Main Street.