The Main Street Streetscape improvements are coming along well, and beginning this evening we'll get our first glimpse of the public art portion of the project.
Crews will begin to install the first pieces of the “Lobster Car” shelters at Central Street this evening (Tuesday, June 1st), followed by a piece at Jenkins Street on Wednesday or Thursday. These unique structures offer an expression of our most important local industry while bringing a touch of colour and playfulness to Main Street. The lobster car is divided up into six pieces to be distributed throughout the streetscape (see images). While the car becomes interactive public art in the streetscape, the pieces also offer practical use as a photo backdrop or a small area of shelter for pedestrians to stop and relax in the shade. In addition to the lobster cars, new “kitchen party” chairs are being introduced in the coming weeks, a unique symbol of our Town’s hospitable nature!
For complete details on the project, including an informative video presentation to council from Fathom Studio, please visit:
#Rugged #Heritage #Coastal #LobsterFishing #Unique #Colour #Inviting #StreetScapeDesign #DownTownRevitalization